
This is Alan Borning's ThingLab (1979) running on the Smalltalk-78 VM by Vanessa Freudenberg and Dan Ingalls

Left-click:              select       ("red button")
Right-click:             context menu ("yellow button")
Ctrl-click/middle-click: window menu  ("blue button")
⌾: @ (make point)
←: _ (assignment)
⇑: ^ (return)
ⓢ: ` (backtick, 's operator)
↑: Ctrl-^ (Ctrl-6)                  ^^
¬: Ctrl-- (Ctrl-minus, unary minus, ¬1 instead of -1)
◢: Ctrl-] (Doit)
◦: Ctrl-A (At)                      ..
⦂: Ctrl-C (open Colon)              ::
∢: Ctrl-E (Eye)                     <)
⇒: Ctrl-F (iF)                      =>
≥: Ctrl-G (Greater or equal)        >=
   Ctrl-H (backspace)
   Ctrl-I (tab)
≤: Ctrl-L (Less or equal)           <=
≠: Ctrl-N (Not equal)               !=
↪: Ctrl-U (Unique string, symbol)   #
ⓢ: Ctrl-S ('s operator, eval in object)
≡: Ctrl-T (Triple equal, identity)  ==
➲: Ctrl-V (inVerse arrow)
◻: Ctrl-Q (sQuare)
▱: Ctrl-X (wiggly line)
#: ## (because # is ↪)
◣: (no keyboard binding)
Cmd-C/Alt-C:    copy text
Cmd-V/Alt-V:    paste text
Cmd-B/Alt-B:    bold
Cmd-I/Alt-I:    italic
Cmd-U/Alt-U:    underline
Cmd-X/Alt-X:    reset emphasis
Cmd-0...9, +/-: change font
Cmd-D           doit
Cmd-P           printit
Cmd-S           compile
Cmd-J           again
Cmd-A           select all
Cmd-L           cancel
Cmd-Z           undo
Cmd-.           interrupt
Tab/Shift-Tab   indent/outdent selection
Ctrl-]  do it in eval (Dispframe in the topleft corner)
Ctrl-d  done with eval